Android : The Connection To Adb Is Down, And A Severe Error Has Occurred.

- Example] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
- Example] You must restart adb and Eclipse.
- Example] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 
In some cases, Android project may get crashed or shutdown abnormally, and caused the “adb.exe” to function abnormally.
To solve it, just restart the “adb.exe” process. Restart the Eclipse will not shut down the “adb.exe” process automatically, you need to kill it manually.
Try below steps:
  1. Close the Eclipse if running
  2. Go to the Android SDK platform-tools directory in Command Prompt
  3. type adb kill-server
  4. then type adb start-server
  5. No error message is thrown while starting ADB server, then adb is started successfully.
  6. Now you can start Eclipse again.
it worked for me this way, Eclipse should be closed before issuing these commands.
Restart your phone as well!

1 comment:

Alin said...

not working,
I still have the same issue

Select DateRange UsingRangePicker.

  /* * This Method is for select range from picker. * */ private fun selectDateRangeUsingRangePicker () { pageNumber = 1 val displ...